August 28th “James Bond” Record Release Party at Schokoladen-Mitte, Berlin

um 20:00

Ackerstraße 169


Kitty Solaris (“James Bond” Record Release Party)
CORP. (Indie/Berlin)


James Bond Album:

„James Bond“ Video:

„Go with the Flow“ Video:

„Peace Train“ Video:

Kitty Solaris “James Bond” Record Release Party

Kitty Solaris is a well known berlin singer/songwriter following the footsteps of her alltime favorites Velvet Underground, Patty Smith and Catpower. In her kitchen, she developed her very unique style, playing meditative, mellow and melancholic songs on her electric guitar accompanied by her tender voice. Always straight to the point with headlines and catchy hooklines. The latest albums “Sunglasses” and “Girls & Music” combine unique lyrics and guitar with electronic music. The new album “James Bond” is out since July 19th and combines dream-pop, new-wave and electronic. With special guests on drums + bass!

Tip Berlin „Sie suchen noch die perfekte Platte für laue Sommernächste? Nehmen Sie doch „James Bond“ von Kitty Solaris“

Kulturnews: “Die DIY-Königin wird auf ihrem neuen Album zur Geheimagentin – inklusive Drogentrip und spektakulärer Befreiungsaktion.”

Gä „Eine Songsammlung mit etlichen memorablen Melodie- und Refrain-Momenten, die beim ersten Hören schon in den Kopf gehen und dann so schnell auch nicht wieder daraus verschwinden.“


CORP. is a Berlin/Dublin based corporation which radically disrupts consumers’ livelihoods through high-risk high-risk post-office-pop. CORP. has achieved an innovative musical stranglehold which has sent other indie musical enterprises into retreat. Bands like MGMT, Surf Curse, Joy Division, and TV Girl have served CORP. well as musical influences, but it is only the fearless CORP. that has uncovered the real reason for melody manufacture: Immense Profits.